High Density or Low Density Polyethylene? What’s the Difference?

Polyethylene is one of the most commonly used thermoplastics worldwide. It is easily found in almost everything from grocery bags to kid’s toys, shampoo bottles, and more. Additionally, it can be further categorized into various subcategories as per its molecular structure, all of which show unique properties. The most common kinds of polyethylene are; high density (HDPE) and low density (LDPE) polyethylene. 

Differences Between LDPE and HDPE

Even though both materials are polyethylene, they do have different characteristics and properties. 

  • Physical Characteristics

LDPE is basically softer and more flexible compared to HDPE. It also has a lower melting point that is 115° C and is more transparent. However, when compared to HDPE, it’s more likely to tear under stress. 

On the other hand, HDPE is exceptionally rigid, durable, and provides much better chemical resistance. Its higher melting point is 135° C that allows it to resist higher temperatures compared to LDPE. In addition, its more crystalline structure leads to greater strength and transparency of the material. 

  • Production Methods

LDPE is generated by flattening monomer ethylene gas in an autoclave or tubular reactor to simplify polymerization; i.e., the association of monomers into polymer chains. 

HDPE is produced by heating petroleum to extremely high temperatures. This procedure lets out the ethylene gas monomers, which then blend to create polymer chains.

  • Recyclability 

Even though HDPE and LDPE are both recyclable, they should be recycled individually. HDPE comes under recycling number 2, and LDPE is classified under recycling number 4. 

Based on the product, LDPE can be pretty tough to recycle as it’s softer and can get stuck in the recycling machine. On the contrary, HDPE is a lot easier to transport and proceed through the recycling tool.  

HDPE and LDPE share several similarities, but they have some differences that affect their usefulness in various applications